Automating your old garage door

Own An Old-Style 90’s Garage Door?

Do you have an older-style – early 90’s Automated Garage Door? Over the years the automation of garage doors has evolved significantly. It is advisable to consider upgrading for security and energy reasons.

Automation is much cheaper, safer and more secure these days. In fact automated garage doors are now a standard request from most customers whatever their budget, and we think it’s great that automation so affordable.

We feel it’s worth mentioning to people who brought automated garage doors in the early 90’s that security has improved to such an extent, you should seriously consider upgrading those old doors.

Back then the remote control operators issued static opening codes. This means there was always a chance that a would-be thief with some research could access a garage remotely with the owner suspecting a thing. This was simply a technological problem but poses a serious risk to garage owners.

Since then remote controls for garage doors are configured in such a way that the actual opening code for each individual door regenerates randomly through an almost infinite amount of possible codes. As such, up-to-date automated garage doors give customers the peace of mind of high-tech security.

Manufacturing materials and insulation have also improved so much in the just the last 15 years, it makes sense to replace older-style automated doors whenever possible, to conserve energy and make your home more secure. Call the team for more details or request a FREE survey.