Secured by Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of ‘designing out crime’ by use of effective crime prevention and security standards for a wide range of products and applications.
Only products which have been tested and meet the required technical standard can be awarded the Police Preferred Specification. Research has indicated that Secured by Design usage can reduce burglary by up to 50% and criminal damage by 25%.
Seceuroglide Excel has been awarded the prestigious Secured by Design Police Preferred Specification status by many years of hard work on redesigning and improving an already very good product to a level where the required test by the LPCB was passed with flying colours. Bear in mind 95% of products tested by the LPCB (The Loss Prevention Certification Board) fail!
About Secured by Design
Established in 1989, Secured by Design (SBD) is the title for a group of national police projects focusing on the design and security for new and refurbished homes, commercial premises, and car parks as well as the acknowledgement of quality security products and crime prevention projects. It supports the principles of ‘designing out crime’ through physical security and processes.
Secured by Design works with the industry and test houses to create high-level security standards, responding to trends in crime, and has given input on a number of key standards .The principles of the scheme have been proven to reduce the risk of crime and the fear of crime.
For more information on the secured by design initiative refer to their website